To find the right job for you, you'll need to figure out what type of person you are, and what your interests are. For many jobs available, you will need the proper training or education. Most employers require at least a High School diploma, and some require a College Degree. However, a lot of jobs do offer on the job training, which would enable you to apply for that particular field. Try to match your personality, interests, knowledge, and age, with a position suitable for you. Don't be afraid to venture out and try new things.
edit] Steps
Consider a position in the medical, dental or pharmaceutical field if you are friendly and outgoing and educated or trained in this field. Other similar jobs include receptionist, cashier, waitress/waiter, or salesperson.
If you desire such a medical professional position but lack the education, be prepared for several years' school and high tuition bills. If you make it through, though, you're pretty much guaranteed a job whenever and wherever you want, with a very pretty paycheck.
Check out being a sample model, or cosmetic salesperson if you are friendly and attractive. You never know how far you can go with a great smile.
Try out creative professions if you've got that innovative streak. These could include something in the arts, flower arranging, interior decorating, etc. If you are creative and love to cook, a job in the culinary arts could be for you (you could also start your own catering business).
Embrace your energetic-side by getting involved as an exercise teacher, personal trainer, or coach. Check-out your local YMCA for options.
Seek out a more solitary job position if you are shy or moody. For example, driving a truck, plumbing, roofing, house painting, housekeeping, and so forth. There are many job positions that you can try.
Get into a management position if you consider yourself to be a take-charge sort of person. There are a wide range of positions to choose the help wanted ads.
Become a teacher or caretaker, if you like being around children or the elderly. Normally, there are always positions available in those particular fields.
If you enjoy designing things, you may want to become a draftsman, or go to school to become an engineer. You may want to check some schools out that offer night classes, since most people are busy during the day.
edit] Tips
Consider trying a few 'personality type' tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Index (MBTI). Many free online versions can be found on the web.
When applying for a job that involves typing, do not let the fact that you can not type a hundred words a minute scare you off, if that is the case. There are many office jobs that require little typing, and look for accuracy over speed...invoicing doesn't require a lot of speed.
If you are currently unemployed, consider working for a 'Temporary Agency'; you can get paid while trying out new types of jobs and working environments.
Be willing to try different things; plus think seriously about what type of job suits you. Think of others while you are evaluating yourself; don't put having a personality disorder off on others.
When you are seeking a job position that you have never tried, be sure to let your new employer know that you are eager to learn.
If you are good at design work, you may want to seek out a field that you can exercise that... such as putting together catalogues, or doing paste up work. Search around to see what’s out there. You may possibly want to try designing your own greeting cards, sitting at home at your kitchen table... it's been done before.
If you are good at drawing, then maybe try your luck at cartoon drawings and send them off to places like Readers' Digest, or Woman's World never know until you try.
If you are fond of writing, there are endless ways to use that skill. Start with getting a Writers can go to the library, if you choose not to buy one; but keep in mind that the library's books are a few years old.
You can take a very limited education and do wonders with it. On the other hand, you can take the best education that money can buy and do nothing. You can always build on the foundation that is laid, if you have the right spirit.
It takes all types of people doing all sorts of different jobs to maintain the world in which we live. We can all take pride in earning an honest dollar.
If you like dressing-up and looking pretty and have good office skills, by all means give office work a try...if you like working with numbers, bookkeeping may possibly be perfect for you.
If you're a hothead, you may want to get into Boxing, or join the Military Service that should work some of that out of you.
If you should choose to go into house cleaning; it is best to start out by going to work for an established Maid Service to learn the ropes, before adventuring out on your own. Naturally your pay will be less than if you are keeping all the profits. However, the Maid Service will furnish the supplies, instead of you. The pay is good in any case, all you need is the energy.
If you enjoy polishing and caring for your own nails, you may be interested in becoming a Manicurist or (nail technician) to fancy the term up. Check out a directory for Beauty Schools, by searching the Internet, or phone directory.
You may be a person that enjoys applying makeup, kind of like an art form...if so, being a Makeup Artist may be "right up your alley." Once again, search under Beauty Schools on the Internet, for classes. If you enjoy working with skin, search under Cosmetology. You could end up doing makeup for somebody famous, you never can tell, can you?
If you love to dance, it is possible that with a little training, you could become a teacher of dance. You could even end up with your own Dance Studio, who knows?
There's money to be made in Arts and Crafts, if you are skilled in that area. A person can sale their items at a Flea Market, or in regards to selling your items, there are many other avenues to take. You can often place items in consignment and thrift shops. If you are good with computers, you can create your own Internet sales web site.
If you speak very clearly and are easy to understand, you may enjoy Public Speaking.
Ref. to step #8; A Draftsman needs special tools, the same as a Painter needs an Easel, or a Model needs a Portfolio. Therefore, a good place to search for great buys on tools is to surf the Internet...and be sure to check-out eBay.
Note: This Article was written to represent all our workers, regardless of what job position they may have. They all help to make our lives better. Their hard work is very appreciated.
edit] Warnings
You do not have to enjoy drinking alcohol to be a bartender. Some bars train on site, and the pay and tips are great for outgoing and friendly people. This is usually a good night job for those who have other responsibilities during the day.